Elks and Beyond -- Jordan White's Traveling, Skiing and Outdoor Adventures

Traveling, Ski Mountaineering and Climbing in Colorado and…

Mercedario Attempt

Our trip didn’t quite go as planned, but we did get to do some skiing, albeit not on our intended face. The night before we were gearing up to climb the face a storm that was supposed to be rather small, dropped over a half meter of snow on us at 14,000 feet, effectively closing out any opportunity we would have had to climb the face anytime in the next several days. Cutting our losses, we packed up and headed on out to hang out in Mendoza til we flew home. Here are some of the pictures from the trip. Eventually the main trip report should be up on Blackdiamond.com

As I left Aspen it was dumping snow.

Parks of Mendoza

Loading up the truck

Loaded up! @aarondiamond13 @rileysod #mustachesonmercedario #liveyours #liveskirepeat #liveclimbrepeat

A photo posted by Jordan White (@jordancwhite) on


#mustachesonmercedario @millet_mountain

A photo posted by Riley Soderquist (@rileysod) on

Hiking up a couloir on Pico Polaco. @millet_mountain #mustachesonmercedario

A photo posted by Riley Soderquist (@rileysod) on

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