Elks and Beyond -- Jordan White's Traveling, Skiing and Outdoor Adventures

Traveling, Ski Mountaineering and Climbing in Colorado and…

West Face of Mount Sherman

Sometimes I think back to my project of skiing the 14ers, and I look at aspects that I always wished had held snow. Sherman is one of those projects. While the east side generally holds snow, it is mostly devoid of entertaining skiing. The west side however I’d always imagined would be a fun ski if it filled in. The late season skiing has been incredible after all of the warm sticky spring storms, and the West Face of Sherman was as filled in as ever. Joe King Aja dog and I headed over to Leadville for a quick go at it.

You ready yet?

You ready yet?

Being June, the road was melted out fairly far up towards the top, making for only about a 2,000 ft skin and climb. The bootpack was a little bit punchy, but in the end it went quickly to the top. The nice thing about skiing a West face, is the lack of urgency when it comes to sunlight. It takes a good while to get too soft, and in our case it was going to be about seeing how long we could be patient for to watch it soften.

Just a casual west face climb in June.

Just a casual west face climb in June.

Joe coming across the long summit ridge.

Joe coming across the long summit ridge.

Still June, still so much snow.

Still June, still so much snow.

West side of Mount Sherman from the car.

West side of Mount Sherman from the car.

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1 Comment

  1. Ben Nilsson August 27, 2016


    I am really enjoying this blog and trip reports.
    I am stoked to ski the west side of Sherman when possible. It would have not occurred to me.
    Always nice to have new patch of snow to ski in the summer.
    Ben Jammin

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